Menadžment i pravo 2024

Programski odbor

  1. Milija Bogavac, PhD – President
  2. Dušan Regodić, PhD,  President of the Council of MB University
  3. Zoran Bingulac, PhD, Rector of MB University
  4. Živanka Miladinovic Bogavac, PhD, Vice Rector of MB University
  5. Nedjo Danilovic, PhD, Vice Rector for Science at the University of MB
  6. Marija Kostić, PhD, Vice-rector for international cooperation, MB University
  7. Zoran Jerotijević, PhD, President of the Council of the Faculty of Business and Law, University MB
  8. Aleksandar Pešić, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  9. Snežana Maksimović, PhD, Vice dean for science of the Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  10. Dragana Lazić, PhD, Vice Dean for Teaching of the Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  11. Akademik, Prof. dr Dževad Termiz, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Faculti of political Science, BIH
  12. emeritus Mirko Kulić, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  13. Boris Krivokapić, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  14. Yossi Yagil, PhD, Professor of finance, Vise President Western Galilee Academic College, Israel- HomeBias in a Global Context.
  15. emeritus Milan Stamatović, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  16. dr Džatiev Vladimir, Russian Academy of Notaries and Lawyers, Moscow, Russian Federation.
  17. Vesna Milanović, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  18. Аkademik Prof. Terzijev Vanelin, PhD, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria,
  19. Aleksandar Damjanović, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  20. Vasil Levski, PhD, National Military University, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria University of Rousse, Rousse, Bulgaria.
  21. dr Siniša Zarić, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Ekonomski fakultet
  22. Rossana Piccolo, PhD, University of Campania – Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
  23. Miroslav Bjegović, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  24. dr Dražen Kozak; Sveučilište Osjek, Slavonski brod, Hrvatska
  25. Snežana R. Stojanović, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  26. Jove Kekenovski, PhD, Univerzitet „Sv. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Republika Severna Makedonija
  27. Kristijan Ristić, PhD, Faculty of Business and Law, MB University
  28. Davorin Pichler, PhD, Prvni fakultet Sveučilište „Josip Juraj Strossmayer,“ Osijek Republika Hrvatska.
  29. Angel Ristov, PhD, Pravni fakultet „Justinijan Prvi“, Univerzitet „Sv. Kiril i Metodij“ Skoplje, Republika Severna Makedonija
  30. Ivana Sokolovski, PhD, Academy of Classical Painting, MB University
  31. dr Mihail Aleksandrov Malchev, Faculty of Law of the University of Rousse ,,Angel Kanchev,  Republic of Bulgaria
  32. Dragan Tančić, PhD, director of the Institute for Serbian Culture, Leposavić, Serbia
  33. dr Slavcho Chungurski, The American University of Europe, AUE_FON; Skoplje, North Macedonia
  34. Tatjana Cvetkovska, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  35. Violeta Šiljak, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  36. dr Zoran Jovanovski, Military Academy „General Mihajlo Apostolski“ , Skoplje North Macedonia
  37. Prof, Negovan , PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  38. Konstantinos D. Magliveras, PhD, Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Greece
  39. Nataša Simić, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  40. Ivan Efremovski, PhD, International Slavic University “St. Nicholas”, Republic of North Macedonia
  41. Rwida Kreiw, PhD, Libyan Tax authority, Tripoli, Libya 
  42. Jesús Muñoz-Cádiz, PhD, Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy
  43. Prof, Negovan Stamenković, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  44. Prof, Aleksandar Marković, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  45. Emilija Icoska, PhD, International Slavic University-Sveti Nikole, Republic of North Macedonia
  46. Sanja Stanković, PhD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  47. Kristijan Panev, PhD, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia
  48. Zorančo Vasilkov, PHD, MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade
  49. Milena Spasovka, PhD, Faculty of Psychology – International Slavic University, Republic of North Macedonia
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